About Us

Welcome to The Pet Savvy, the ultimate resource for small pet lovers!

Founded back in 2019, our website is packed with all the right information you might need to become a responsible and knowledgeable small pet owner. From choosing the right breed to daily care, tips and maintenance, we cover it all.

Here you can discover the joys and challenges of small pet ownership with our comprehensive guides. And you can also learn more about the different breeds available and their unique characteristics, find out how to set up the perfect habitat, and get tips on feeding and exercise. We even have a section on common health issues and how to prevent them.

But it’s not all serious business – we also have a fun section full of creative ideas for toys and activities to keep your small pet entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned pet owner or a first-time pet parent, you’ll find everything you need to know on our website. So take a look around and learn all about the wonderful world of small pets.

Our Team

Eddie Chevrel – founder of The Pet Savvy.

Eddie grew up in Normandie, in the northwest of France and he’s been surrounded by pets since he was just a little kid.

He got his first dog when he was only 4 and she was followed by many dogs, cats, and birds that his family either raised from birth or rescued over the years. They also raised several horses at home, and as you can imagine all their pets kept them quite busy around the house.

Even though he lived and studied in big cities such as Paris and London, his love for pets never dwindled. If you saw a guy near Big Ben carrying a stray cat in his arms with a large smile on his face, it was probably him!

As a country boy, he was always fascinated by each animal’s personality. Each pet has distinctive features, different needs, and a different approach to humans. But the funny thing, they can (almost) all be tamed.

Zoe Ström – Chief Editor

Zoe always had a soft spot for furry, fluffy little creatures, and she had a menagerie of adorable pets including hamsters, guinea pigs, and rabbits.

Her love for these little animals shines through in her writing, which often features lovable and relatable small pet characters.

When she isn’t busy crafting heartwarming tales, you can find her spending quality time with her own beloved pets or volunteering at the local animal shelter.

Our mission

Back in the day, knowledge about pets was not as readily available as it is now. You could only know about a specific pet if a friend owned one, or if you walked to a library with your membership card to get the info you need about it.

Not so much now. The internet has made it super easy to know a lot about pretty much any pet. But the information is sometimes inaccurate, biased, or plainly wrong.

Editorial Guidelines

At The Pet Savvy we want to celebrate the joy and companionship of pets. Our website is dedicated to providing pet owners with reliable, informative, and engaging content that enhances the lives of pets and their families.

Editorial Principles and Practices

  • Commitment to Pet Well-being: Our foremost priority is to offer information that contributes positively to the well-being and happiness of pets.
  • Balanced and Comprehensive Coverage: We cover a wide range of topics, from pet health and nutrition to behavior and lifestyle, ensuring a holistic approach to pet care.

Content Creation and Curation

  • Expert Contributions: All our articles are written together with qualified veterinarians, animal behaviorists, or experienced pet enthusiasts to ensure you get expert advice and knowledgeable information.
  • Reader-Friendly Content: We aim to present information in an accessible and engaging manner, suitable for pet owners of all levels of experience.

Ethical Standards and Transparency

  • No Compromise on Ethics: We strictly adhere to ethical standards in our reporting and content creation, prioritizing the welfare and dignity of all animals.
  • Transparency in Affiliations: We clearly disclose any partnerships or affiliations that might influence our content. Sponsored content is distinctly marked to differentiate it from our editorial content.

Fact Verification and Scientific Accuracy

  • Scientifically Backed Information: Our content is grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices in pet care and veterinary medicine.
  • Regular Content Review and Updates: Articles are periodically reviewed and updated to reflect the latest research and advancements in pet care.

Product Recommendations and Reviews

  • Objective Reviews: Our product reviews are based on thorough testing and research, ensuring unbiased recommendations.
  • Clear Disclosure of Affiliates: When affiliate links are included in our content, we openly disclose this. Our product recommendations are always based on merit, regardless of potential commissions.

Diverse Perspectives and Inclusivity

  • Representing Diverse Pet Communities: We strive to represent the diverse experiences of pet owners from various backgrounds and communities.
  • Inclusivity in Pet Care: We acknowledge and promote inclusivity in pet ownership, recognizing the unique needs and challenges faced by different pet owners.

Visual and Multimedia Content

  • Quality Visuals: We ensure that our visual content, including photos and videos, is of high quality and relevant to the accompanying text.
  • Respectful and Ethical Imagery: All imagery respects the dignity and welfare of the animals depicted, avoiding sensationalism or humanization that could be misleading or disrespectful.

Reader Engagement and Feedback

We welcome reader comments, stories, and feedback to foster a vibrant pet-loving community.

Our team actively engages with reader queries and suggestions, using them to improve and diversify our content.

At The Pet Savvy we are more than just a source of pet information; we are a community dedicated to celebrating and improving the lives of pets and their owners. We invite you to join us in this mission, sharing in the joy and responsibility of pet ownership.

Last but not least, we adhere to professional standards and accepted journalism practices, including:

Social Media

You can follow The Pet Savvy on: FacebookPinterest and Youtube.

Work with Us

We invite freelance writers with a strong expertise in pet care and animal welfare to join us in our mission of providing useful tips and information to those who really love little pets.

If you have a story to share, a perspective to offer, or a concern to raise, we invite you to be a part of our journey. Interested contributors can reach us at: contact@thepetsavvy.com. Let’s build a community where every perspective on pet care and animal companionship is acknowledged and appreciated.

Please note that we don’t consider unsolicited guest submissions, articles, blogs, infographics, or posts.

Contact Us

We always love to hear from our readers. For any feedback, advertising opportunities or press inquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at contact@thepetsavvy.com or using the contact form here.

If you prefer to give us a call or send a traditional letter, our address is 18 Somesului Street, Sibiu, 550003, Romania, and our phone number is +40 745 999 805.


The Pet Savvy is operated by OMG SRL, a limited liability company registered in Romania.

Trusted by more than 15 million people every year to make informed decisions and find inspiration. OMG’s other brands include Luxatic, HomeDSGN, Agronomag, Seriously Equestrian, Invest Some Money, and more.