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107 Animals That Start With M

By Eddie Chevrel


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What animals start with the letter M? We’ve gathered them all here for you to have them in one place – from the majestic manta ray to the annoying moth, right through to the mink and the mole.

So without further ado, here is the list of animals that start with the letter M.

Animals Starting With The Letter M – The Complete List

  • Macaroni Penguin
  • Macaw
  • Mackenzie Wolf
  • Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
  • Madagascar Tree Boa
  • Magellanic Penguin
  • Maggot
  • Magpie
  • Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish)
  • Maine Coon
  • Malayan Civet
  • Malayan Tiger
  • Mallard
  • Malteagle
  • Maltese
  • Maltese Shih Tzu
  • Maltipoo
  • Mamba
  • Mamushi Snake
  • Man of War Jellyfish
  • Manatee
  • Manchester Terrier
  • Mandarin Rat Snake
  • Mandrill
  • Maned Wolf
  • Mangrove Snake
  • Manta Ray
  • Mantella Frog
  • Marabou Stork
  • Marble Fox
  • Marine Iguana
  • Marine Toad
  • Markhor
  • Marmoset
  • Marmot
  • Marsh Frog
  • Masked Angelfish
  • Masked Palm Civet
  • Massasauga
  • Mastador
  • Mastiff
  • Mayfly
  • Meagle
  • Mealybug
  • Meerkat
  • Megalodon
  • Megamouth Shark
  • Mekong Giant Catfish
  • Mexican Alligator Lizard
  • Mexican Black Kingsnake
  • Mexican Eagle (Northern crested caracara)
  • Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
  • Mexican Mole Lizard
  • Mexican Red Knee Tarantula
  • Midget Faded Rattlesnake
  • Miki
  • Milk Snake
  • Milkfish
  • Millipede
  • Mini Labradoodle
  • Miniature Bull Terrier
  • Miniature Husky
  • Miniature Pinscher
  • Mink
  • Minke Whale
  • Mississippi Kite
  • Moccasin Snake
  • Mojarra
  • Mojave Rattlesnake
  • Mola mola
  • Mole
  • Mole Cricket
  • Mole Snake
  • Molly
  • Monarch Butterfly
  • Mongoose
  • Mongrel
  • Monitor Lizard
  • Monkey
  • Monkfish
  • Monocled Cobra
  • Monte Iberia Eleuth
  • Moon Jellyfish
  • Moorhen
  • Moose
  • Moray Eel
  • Morkie
  • Moscow Watchdog
  • Mosquito
  • Moth
  • Mountain Bluebird
  • Mountain Cur
  • Mountain Feist
  • Mountain Gorilla
  • Mountain Lion
  • Mourning Dove
  • Mouse
  • Mud Snake
  • Mudi
  • Mudpuppy
  • Mule
  • Mulga Snake
  • Muntjac
  • Muskox
  • Muskrat
  • Mussurana Snake
  • Myna Bird

Macaroni Penguin

The Macaroni Penguin is a species of penguin that lives in the Subantarctic to the Antarctic Peninsula. They are sometimes known as “Penguin Mike” because they make a specific sound when puffing out their chests. This is thought to be a call for mates, but it’s not clear why only males do this.


The macaw is a parrot that comes in many different colors and sizes. The largest macaws are at least two feet tall, while the smallest is only 10 inches long. Macaws live in South America and Central America, where they eat fruits, nuts, seeds, flowers, and leaves from trees such as Brazil nut trees and acai palm trees.

Mackenzie Wolf

Mackenzie Wolf is a subspecies of Grey Wolf that lives in the northwest area of North America. It is named after explorer Alexander Mackenzie and has been known to attack humans when provoked or looking for food.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach is a species of cockroach that can grow up to 3 inches long! They live in Madagascar and eat plants and other insects.

Madagascar Tree Boa

The Madagascar Tree Boa is a large snake found only on Madagascar Island, where it lives in trees and eats small mammals such as rats or mice. These snakes can grow up to 10 feet long!

Magellanic Penguin

This penguin can be found in South America and the Falkland Islands. They swim in cold water and have blackheads and white bodies. Their diet consists of fish, squid, crabs and krill.


Maggots are fly larvae that feed on dead animals or decaying matter; they are sometimes used as fishing bait because they attract fish but don’t kill them (like conventional bait).


Magpies are members of the Corvidae family and are native to Europe and Asia. They have black and white feathers with a yellow beak and feet. They eat insects, small mammals, seeds, berries and other fruit. They have an average lifespan of 5 years in the wild but up to 15 years in captivity.

Mahi Mahi

Mahi Mahi is a type of fish that lives in tropical oceans worldwide with an average length of 1-2 meters long! It can be found mostly near coral reefs or rocky bottoms but also in open water if there are enough food sources nearby like algae or plankton, for instance!

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is a breed of domestic cat. It was developed in New England and is one of the largest domestic breeds, known for its particularly long body and strong muscles. The cat has a distinctively long tail and large paws.

Malayan Civet

The Malayan civet is a viverrid native to Southeast Asia. It is found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The civets are solitary animals that feed on insects and small vertebrates such as birds and rodents. They are also known to prey upon lizards and snakes.

Malayan Tiger

The Malayan tiger is an endangered subspecies of tigers found in the forests of Indonesia and Malaysia. Once common throughout Southeast Asia, their numbers have declined due to hunting and habitat loss. Today, fewer than 500 tigers are left in the wild out of an estimated total population of 3200 tigers worldwide!


Mallards are members of the duck family Anatidae found in Europe and North America and parts of Asia and Africa. They are often kept as pets because they are easy to care for, but they may become aggressive during mating season when they feel threatened by other males or humans who get too close while trying to mate with females!


A breed of dog that has been around since ancient times. They are small but very intelligent and easy to train. They are also known for their love of human affection, making great companions for people who like pets that can cuddle with them!

Maltese Shih Tzu

A cross between a Maltese and a Shih Tzu dog, this mix was created by breeders in order to get the best qualities from both breeds-the intelligence of the Maltese combined with the playful nature of the Shih Tzu.


Breeders created a cross between a Maltese and a Toy Poodle, this mix to get the best qualities from both breeds-the intelligence of the Maltese combined with the playful nature of the Toy Poodle.

Mamushi Snake

The mamushi snake can be found throughout Japan and China and is one of the most venomous snakes globally. It has an aggressive temperament and will attack humans who get too close to it.

Man of War Jellyfish

Also known as blue jellyfish, this species is found all over the world’s oceans. Its bright blue coloration makes it easy to spot in the water, but its sting is not deadly to humans-just excruciating.


Manatees are large marine mammals that live off Florida’s coast in shallow waters. They have rounded bodies with short heads that are sometimes called “sea cows.” Their skin is grayish brown and covered with fine hairs called “whiskers,” which help them navigate their murky habitat.

Manchester Terrier

This small dog breed was developed in Manchester, England, during the nineteenth century. They have compact bodies with long legs, which make them great jumpers! They come in many different colors, including black and white.

Mandarin Rat Snake

The Mandarin Rat Snake is a non-venomous snake that lives mainly in China but can also be found in Taiwan and Singapore. It has a brownish back and orange belly with black spots on it.


The mandrill is a colorful baboon found in Africa. They have large, hairless heads with bright orange or red cheeks and blue buttocks. They also have large nasal cavities used to make loud calls when hunting for food or warning others of danger.

Maned Wolf

The maned wolf is native to South America. Their name comes from the long reddish-brown hair on their backs that resembles a mane. They are omnivores and eat both plants and animals such as rodents, birds, insects, and reptiles. They also scavenge carcasses when they can find them, which helps them get nutrients from meat without killing anything themselves!

Mangrove Snake

The Mangrove Snake is a non-venomous reptile found in coastal regions worldwide. They have large triangular heads with sharp teeth designed for eating fish, which makes them great hunters! They also have an excellent vision that allows them to see their prey far away-even at night!

Manta Ray

The Manta Ray is one of the largest ray species in the world, growing up to 20 feet wide! These creatures can be found swimming in warm tropical waters all over the globe; however, they are most commonly seen near coral reefs, where they feed on plankton, small fish, and crustaceans. Their bodies are covered in tiny tooth-like scales called denticles (made out of calcium carbonate) which protect them from predators.

Mantella Frog

This frog has been known for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. It contains an alkaloid called D-tubocurarine, which helps relax muscles during surgery or childbirth by blocking electrical signals from nerves to muscles. There are currently only five species left in the world!

Marabou Stork

The marabou stork is a large bird that lives in Africa and Asia. It can be found in the savanna or open country near water. The name “marabou” comes from the Arabic word for “bald.”

Marble Fox

The marble fox is a small fox living in northern China and Mongolia. It has white fur on its body and black fur around its eyes. The name “marble” comes from the appearance of this animal’s fur when it is wet – it looks like marble!

Marine Iguana

The marine iguana is an iguana that lives in the Galapagos Islands off South America. These animals feed on seaweed, algae and other sea plants underwater. They have special adaptations for living underwater, such as webbed feet and nostrils on top of their heads so they can breathe while submerged!

Marine Toad

The marine toad has a large flat head with bulging eyes and wide nostrils. Its skin is reddish-brown and covered in warts. It has webbed feet and long, sticky fingers that help it catch prey in water.


The markhor is a wild goat found in Afghanistan. It has long legs and horns that curve backward from its head like scimitars. The male markhor’s horns can grow up to 6 feet long!


The marmoset is native to South America and gets its name from its resemblance to monkeys of the same name found in Africa. They are very small animals-usually only six inches tall-and have large heads with rounded foreheads, and large eyes set close together on either side of their face. They are also called “little monkeys” because they act like monkeys sometimes (like when they eat their poop).


Marmots are rodents that live in cold climates. They are large and covered in fur, making them look like big fluff balls! Their bodies are a light brown with white patches on their faces and bellies. Marmots hibernate during the winter months when it gets cold outside.

Marsh Frog

The marsh frog is one of several species of amphibians that can be found around the world today. This amphibian has long legs, which help it hop around its habitat much more easily than other frogs do! It is usually brown or greenish-brown in color with some darker brown spots on its back legs (which appear like stripes). It can grow up to eight inches long-much larger than most other frogs!

Masked Angelfish

The masked angelfish lives in coral reefs around Southeast Asia and Australia, where it feeds on coral polyps by eating their tentacles before destroying their bodies with its sharp teeth! The fish gets its name from its bright colors: yellowfins with orange stripes.

Masked Palm Civet

The masked palm civet is a nocturnal mammal native to Southeast Asia. It is also known as the banded palm civet or Zibetto palm civet, which refers to its striped coat. It has large eyes and small rounded ears close to its head.


Massasaugas are small snakes with large triangular heads and glossy scales. They tend to be brown or black, with yellowish bellies or throats. Massasaugas have been found throughout North America, including southern Canada and the United States.


Matadors are large dogs initially bred in Spain as herders and guard dogs for cattle ranches. Still, they have since been used as guard dogs for other animals such as sheep and goats and pets owned by people living in rural areas where there may be no fences around their homes or yards (such as farms). They can weigh up to 175 pounds!

Maltese Eagle Dog

Maltese Eagle Dogs is a small-sized dog breed. They have a long, silky coat in white and black or white and gray. These dogs are known for their hunting ability and their loyalty to their owners.


A Mastiff is a dog breed. It is one of the giant breeds of dogs in the world. The Mastiff is an ancient breed that has been around for centuries. The Mastiff is known to be gentle and loving with its owners, but it can be aggressive towards other animals and people.


The mayfly is an insect that only lives for a few hours after it emerges from its watery egg case. The insect usually travels around looking for food before it dies at nightfall. Mayflies are found all over the world, except in Antarctica.


The meagle is a small mammal found in Australia that has a very long neck and legs that help it reach high branches where it eats leaves and fruit from trees. Meagles are also known as wallabies because they climb over walls to escape predators like dingos or foxes that try to catch them for food or fun! Humans have hunted this species for thousands of years because they have fur on their backs which makes nice warm clothing during winter months when temperatures drop below freezing point!


A Mealybug is a small insect that feeds on plants and fruits. Its name comes from its white mealy substance, which it produces when it feels threatened by predators such as ants or spiders.


Meerkats are African mammals that live in groups called “mobs.” They are omnivores and feed on insects, small reptiles, amphibians and rodents. Their main predators are jackals, snakes and large birds.


Megalodon is an extinct shark species that lived between 23 and 2.6 million years ago. It was one of the giant sharks ever and probably reached a maximum length of 17 m (55 ft). Its teeth were up to 7 inches long! The megalodon became extinct about 1.5 million years ago after a decline starting around 1 million years ago.

Megamouth Shark

The megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) is a rare lamniform shark that inhabits deep-water environments worldwide. It is characterized by a large head and a broad mouth lined with numerous rows of tiny teeth.

Mekong Giant Catfish

The Mekong giant catfish, Pangasianodon gigas, is the largest species of freshwater fish in the world, reaching up to 10 feet in length and weighing up to 300 pounds. It can be found in Southeast Asia and is listed as vulnerable by the IUCN due to overfishing and habitat loss.

Mexican Alligator Lizard

The Mexican alligator lizard (Elgaria coerulea) is an endangered species that lives in Mexico and the United States. It is commonly confused with its cousin, the common garter snake because they look almost identical but have different habitats.

Mexican Black Kingsnake

The Mexican black kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula nigrita) subspecies of the common kingsnake in Mexico and southern Arizona. It can grow up to six feet long and has dark brown blotches on its back. It’s often mistaken for a venomous coral snake because of its similar coloring.

Mexican Eagle

This bird is a large raptor with a yellowish-brown body and black wings. It is also called the Northern Crested Caracara. It has a crest of feathers on its head and a black mask around its eyes. It lives in Mexico and Central America, and hunts for food at dusk or dawn.

Mexican Free-Tailed Bat

The Mexican free-tailed bat is one of the most common types of bat in North America. It lives throughout Mexico and parts of the United States, where it roosts in caves during the day before flying out at night to hunt for insects.

Mexican Mole Lizard

The Mexican mole lizard is native to Mexico and Central America. It has a long body that curves upward at the end like an S, so it looks like it has two tails! It eats insects, small reptiles, and worms that live underground-hence its name!

Mexican Red Knee Tarantula

The Mexican red knee tarantula is a type of large spider that is native to Central America. These spiders are characterized by their black bodies and red legs. They are popular in the pet trade.


A snake found in sub-Saharan Africa that can grow up to ten feet long! It gets its name because its movement resembles that of a snake moving through water (mamba = mambo).


The muntjac is a small deer species that lives in Asia. They are very good at eating bamboo shoots, and they can jump high! They are like rabbits in that way, but they’re not rabbits-they’re just related to them.


The Muskox is an Arctic animal that lives in northern Canada and Greenland. It has large horns on the top of its head which protect it from predators such as wolves or polar bears. Muskoxen are also very fast runners, so they can outrun most predators if need be!


The muskrat is a small rodent found throughout North America. They often live in wetlands or swamps and are known for building dams with mud and grasses to create ponds where they can swim around all day long without getting wet (or cold).

Midget Faded Rattlesnake

The Midget Faded Rattlesnake is a small snake species found in the Southern United States. It has a brown body with black stripes running down its back and a white underbelly. The Midget Faded Rattlesnake can be identified by its faded coloration and small size.


Miki is a Japanese word that means “a small amount.” Miki is Japanese short-legged dogs with large heads and eyes, making them look like they’re always surprised. They’re also very intelligent and affectionate, making them great pets for families with children.

Milk Snake

When threatened or agitated, the milk snake gets its name from the milky-colored liquid it secretes. This nonpoisonous snake can grow up to five feet long, though most will only reach three feet. They live in wooded areas throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America.


This fish is native to the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea and East Africa. It can grow up to five feet long and weigh up to 100 pounds. Its flesh has a mild flavor and firm texture, making it popular in many cuisines throughout Asia and Africa.


This creature has been around since before dinosaurs roamed the Earth; fossils dating back 400 million years have been found with millipedes inside them! Millipedes are typically between one and two inches long (though some species grow much larger). Still, they possess an incredible ability: they can produce hydrogen cyanide as a defense mechanism against predators.

Mini Labradoodle

The Mini Labradoodle is a cross between the Labrador Retriever and the Poodle. They have many of the same characteristics as their larger counterparts, but they are generally more energetic and playful.

Miniature Bull Terrier

The Miniature Bull Terrier is a smaller version of the traditional English Bulldog. They are still characterized by their wrinkled faces and short muzzles, though they tend to be more active and energetic than their larger counterparts.

Miniature Husky

The Miniature Husky has been bred down from the Siberian Husky to be much smaller in size than its parent breed. It has the same characteristics as a full-sized Husky, but it tends to be more playful and affectionate than other breeds in its family tree.

Miniature Pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is one of several breeds bred down from larger dogs like German Shepherds or Rottweilers to be much smaller in size than traditional versions of these breeds would normally be expected to reach maturity. They are known for being brilliant dogs who can be trained easily with patience and consistency on behalf of their owners.


Mink are small, carnivorous mammals that are closely related to weasels. They are found in North America, Europe, and Asia. The mink’s fur is highly prized for its softness and warmth, and many people hunt them for their pelts.

Minke Whale

The minke whale is a type of baleen whale that lives in cold waters worldwide. It can grow up to 20 feet long and weigh up to 8 tons. It has a dark gray body with white patches on its underside and a white band around its head. Minke whales feed on krill and small fish, using their baleen plates to strain these prey items from water passing through them as they swim through it at high speeds (upwards of 30 miles per hour).

Mississippi Kite

The Mississippi kite is a large bird of prey in the family Accipitridae. It is native to North America but can also be found throughout Central America and South America. It is named after the Mississippi River, where Europeans first discovered it. Its preferred habitat is open country with scattered trees, such as riverbanks and fields with scattered bushes or forest edges.

Moccasin Snake

The moccasin snake is a venomous pitviper species native to the southeastern United States from Texas through Georgia and Florida. Its coloration varies from yellowish-green to brownish-black, with lighter coloration on its belly region.

Mojave Rattlesnake

The Mojave rattlesnake is a venomous reptile found in southwestern United States desert regions. Its venom contains a neurotoxin that can cause severe pain, swelling, and paralysis.

Mola mola

The Mola mola is not a fish but a type of ray. It lives in tropical oceans worldwide and has huge scales that help it float on top of the water without sinking. The fish can grow up to 10 feet long and is often referred to as the Ocean Sunfish.


A mole is a small burrowing mammal with pink or gray fur that lives underground. Moles have tiny eyes and ears covered by fur, so they rely on their noses to find food and avoid dangers like predators or traps set by humans who want to kill them for their fur.

Mole Cricket

The mole cricket is a small insect that lives in tunnels underground. It has large, powerful front legs and a long, thin body that it uses to dig. It eats plants and small insects.

Mole Snake

The mole snake is a burrowing snake that lives in holes underground. It has small eyes and a thick body and is covered in scales. Like other burrowing animals like moles and gophers, the mole snake can excavate large amounts of dirt with its strong front legs.


Mollies are brightly colored fish with long fins to swim gracefully through the water. They are among the most popular aquarium fish because they come in so many different colors. Mollies eat algae and plankton, which they filter out of the water using their gills. They are also known to eat smaller fish if they get hungry enough!

Monarch Butterfly

Monarchs are one of the most recognizable butterflies in North America because their wings have orange and black stripes (which makes them look like monarchs). They eat only milkweed plants because they contain chemicals called cardenolides which make them poisonous to predators like birds.


Mongooses are mammals that live in Africa and Asia. They have long bodies, short legs, and small ears. The mongoose has a very strong sense of smell which helps it hunt for food. Mongooses also have sharp teeth, which they use to kill their prey.


A mongrel is a dog that has been bred from different breeds of dogs. Mongrels can be mixed with many kinds of dogs, which gives them the ability to adapt to different environments.

Monitor Lizard

The monitor lizard is one of the giant lizards in the world. It can grow up to 3 meters long and weigh over 30 kilograms. The monitor lizard has sharp claws on its feet to catch prey such as insects and small animals like mice or rats.


Monkeys live in tropical rainforests worldwide, with two species living in Africa and South America being found nowhere else on Earth! Monkeys live in large groups called troops, usually consisting of about 20-50 individuals each; these groups can be made up of both males and females but will always include at least one male monkey called an alpha male.


The monkfish is a type of anglerfish. It has a long, slim body that can reach up to 2 m in length. This fish lives at depths of up to 1,000 m and catches its prey using its large mouth and sharp teeth.

Monocled Cobra

The monocled cobra is found in South Asia and Southeast Asia. It has a triangular head with distinctive eye markings, plus a yellowish or orange belly and a black body with light-colored bands on the back. It is thought that this snake may be venomous, but it’s not yet known how dangerous it is to humans.

Monte Iberia Sleuth

This rodent weighs around 1 kg (2 lb) when fully grown and displays unusual physical characteristics such as large ears and tail and an unusually short snout for its size, which resembles an anteater’s snout.

Moon Jellyfish

The moon jellyfish belongs to a group of jellyfish called Aurelia aurita, also known as common jellyfish or lunar jellies because they resembled the moon when seen from space! They’re found worldwide in oceans, both warm and cold.


Moorhens are members of the rail family and are known for their ability to fly. Their wings are made of almost entirely black feathers, which makes them difficult to see when they’re flying. They live in freshwater habitats like lakes and ponds.


Moose are large members of the deer family that live in northern forests and tundras. They have a thick coat of fur that keeps them warm during cold weather, and their antlers can weigh up to 90 pounds!

Moray Eel

Moray eels are carnivores that live on coral reefs in tropical waters worldwide. They’re easily recognizable by their large jaws filled with razor-sharp teeth-which they use to catch prey such as fish and crustaceans!


Morkies are hybrid dogs bred from Yorkshire Terriers and Maltese dogs. They’re popular pets because they’re small but sturdy enough to be good watchdogs (they bark loudly at strangers), but also affectionate and friendly towards people they know well enough not to bite them!

Moscow Watchdog

Moscow Watchdogs are a breed of dog developed by Russian scientists after World War II to guard nuclear weapons sites within Moscow city limits against intruders.


Mosquitoes are small, flying insects that live in wet areas. They have a long proboscis which they use to suck blood. Their bite can be painful and cause an itchy red bump.


Moths are winged insects that belong to the Lepidoptera order. Most moths are nocturnal or crepuscular, meaning they feed during the night or at dawn and dusk.

Mountain Bluebird

Mountain bluebirds are small birds that live in high altitudes and prefer open areas like meadows and fields with brushy undergrowth. They eat seeds from plants like grasses, sedges, and rushes and berries from shrubs such as wild rose bushes or currants.

Mountain Cur

A mountain cur is a type of dog commonly used for hunting in mountainous regions where other breeds would tire easily due to their short legs and thick coats. They come in several different colors, including black/tan (also known as brindle), blue merle (black with white patches), red merle (red with white patches), sable (black with brown markings), and yellow.

Mountain Feist

This dog is a cross between a terrier and a dachshund, known for its aggressive attitude. It was originally bred to be a hunting dog, but its small size made it ideal as a companion dog instead.

Mountain Gorilla

The mountain gorilla is an endangered species of gorilla native to the Virungas, which are five volcanoes located on the borders of Rwanda, Uganda, and Congo. These gorillas are known for their gentle nature and ability to use tools for foraging food. They are one of the few primates who have been observed using tools in their natural environment-they will tear the bark off of trees to eat insects underneath them or use sticks as tools for digging up roots.

Mountain Lion

This cat lives in mountain ranges across North America and is a relative of both cougars and bobcats. Mountain lions have been known to kill humans, though they typically avoid people and are more likely to try to avoid them than attack them.

Mourning Dove

This bird is found all over North America, though it prefers open areas with tall grasses or shrubs where it can build its nest-which it does communally with other mourning doves in large colonies of up to 50 nests!


Mice are rodents that live everywhere, from deserts to forests-though some species prefer specific climates. They tend to travel by running rather than walking to move quickly through their environments.

Mud Snake

The mud snake is a non-venomous snake native to the southeastern United States. The mud snake has an olive, brown, or black color with a yellowish belly. It is typically about 36 inches long.


The Mudi is a Hungarian herding dog that looks similar to an Airedale Terrier. They have prick ears and a medium-length coat that can be either solid white or white with patches of red or tan on their backs and legs.


The mudpuppy is a North American amphibian that lives in swamps and marshes across the southern United States. The mudpuppy has five toes on each foot, which helps it burrow into the mud when threatened by predators such as snakes and birds of prey like hawks and owls.


A mule is the offspring of a donkey stallion and horse mare, both of which are members of different species (the horse belongs to the genus Equus while donkeys belong to the genus Asinus). Mules are sterile but can reproduce through artificial insemination if they mate with another mule or donkey.

Mulga Snake

Mulga is the name of a minor, venomous snake that lives in Australia. It’s also the name of one of my favorite snakes because it’s so cute! And cuddly. And I like to snuggle with them.

Mussurana Snake

The mussurana is a non-venomous snake that originates from South America. It has a long body and can grow up to 7 feet (2 meters) in length. The mussurana has a flat, triangular head and small, dark eyes. It can be found near water in Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela.

Myna Bird

The myna bird is native to India but has been introduced to many other parts, including Australia, Indonesia and Hawaii. The myna bird is known for its ability to learn human speech and imitate sounds such as doorbells or truck engines.


Mojarra is a freshwater fish found in the Amazon River basin. It is a popular food fish, and it is also used as bait for other species. Mojarra thrives in brackish waters with low oxygen levels; however, their populations often decline when introduced into areas with higher oxygen levels.

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About Eddie Chevrel

Eddie Chevrel is an animal journalist and the founder of ThePetSavvy. He's very passionate about exotic pets and spends most of his free time doing research, meeting, and interviewing people working with animals. Learn more about The Pet Savvy's Editorial Process.